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This site is created using Wikimapia data. Wikimapia is an open-content collaborative map project contributed by volunteers around the world. It contains information about 32251074 places and counting. Learn more about Wikimapia and cityguides.


Recent city comments:

  • Faith Mission Elementary School & Orphanage, Michael (guest) wrote 6 years ago:
    Dear Ana Ana kopie I greet you in the higher and glorious name of Jesus. This is Michael how are you? hope you are well by Gods grace and his mercy. Ana nice hearing from you ,I love you guys with the love of the lord I remember about you Ana, you were very nice shy humble smiley White girl. faith mission is the place where we start knowing who we are ?, Where we came from ?Why we are on this earth? , where are we going after Death?. May God bless you with much happiness and a long life Good health all my teen hood. Brothers and sisters in Christ.
  • Faith Mission Elementary School & Orphanage, Michael (guest) wrote 6 years ago:
    on 1981 I was terrible person I was trouble maker with any body I was a person who refuse to change, my Dear grand mother advised to my Dear Mom and Dad( who where residing in Italy) to send me to Dekemhare just to get disciplined but to my great surprise I met Jesus, I accept Jesus as my personal lord and savior. Thanks to all servant of God of faith mission Dekemhare, I love you all with love of the lord . specially memhr Manna who endure me patiently who gave me another chance with warning to stay in faith mission collage. may the lord Jesus Bless him richly with all his family. Michael.W( former freedom fighter of E.L.F(Eritrean Liberation Front)
  • Dekemhare Comprehensive Secondary School., Claudio (guest) wrote 6 years ago:
    It is tantalizing to imagine the beauty of this town. The force of attraction is formidable. Physically , mentaly and emotinally ,the power is enigmatic. Blessed are the pioneers, who shaped this little beautiful town.
  • Faith Mission Elementary School & Orphanage, Naomi Mehari wrote 8 years ago:
    Hello Im naomi i miss is there i remmber i was 11 when i left
  • Faith Mission Elementary School & Orphanage, Weyni Fisha wrote 10 years ago:
    hallo meharena wie geht's dir / uns geht's gut ja wir lieben Faith Mission kennst du Mihret Frewengel
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